Monday, April 4, 2011

The Devil is in the Details

Good news dedicated readers! There's going to be a guest writer for an upcoming post. Unfortunately it's not quite ready, so in the meantime I thought I would share another brief glimpse into my laughable life. This one is especially fresh, having occurred only two weeks ago. But first, a little back ground.

This year I decided to observe Lent and give something up for the weeks leading up to Easter. On a whim I decided that I would take up the challenge of the Daniel Fast. For the Lenten season I would restrict my diet to only fruits, vegetables, grains and water. Nothing with added sugars, nothing made with yeast, and no meat.

After the coffee withdrawal symptoms subsided and my head stopped pounding things were actually going quite well. Then one afternoon, about three weeks into the fast, I was sitting in a meeting at work. Someone there had brought in a bag of Twizzlers and was passing it around the room. What a nice gesture. Little did I know that the devil was in attendance at that meeting. Without thinking about it I grabbed a Twizzler and took a big bite off the end. While chewing it dawned on me that Twizzlers were neither a vegetable, nor a grain and despite their bright colored facade they weren't even a fruit. What to do! The devil tricked me! Not wanting to make a scene during the middle of the meeting by spitting out the Twizzlers into the nearest garbage can I had to go back to the drawing board. Unfortunately I'm not sure my Plan B was any better. I played the fake cough card. **Cough** Then while I was covering my mouth with my hand I did a little slight-of-hand and slipped the red confetti contents of my mouth into my hand and slyly slipped the evidence into my pocket. No one would ever be the wiser.

That should have been the end of it, but nope. Throughout the course of the meeting I had completely forgotten about the bits and pieces in my pocket. It wasn't until I got home that night when I stuck my hand into the red waxy ball of candy that I was reminded of the events of the day. The moral of the story? Don't take candy from strangers, especially ones that have pointy tails and are dressed all in red. Also,despite popular belief the Devil's weapon of choice isn't a pitchfork, it's a licorice whip.

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